Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Library Thing

I'm intrigued by this application. In one sense it feeds the Amazon cash register but in another sense it makes order out of disorder of ones book shelf. Is this another tool to distract us from whats happening in the screenless world. Does anyone know how many people don't have access to the internet in the world?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Imagine That

Look whats seeped onto my blog spot.

Created at wigflip

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Technology mmm

Do you get that warm fuzzy glow when you think of tech-no-logy?
It should be renamed to techyeslogy because lets face it, its so good! It can evoke any emotion you like. Yes I did that! Oh no what now! Hey it works! Wow isn't it amazing! Bugger I give up!

Yup most of the time its a pain until you stumble upon something really worth while like Podcasts.

Podcasts from the ABC or BBC or whoever give you a chance to catch up with information or edutainment that interests you when you have some dead time like driving from here to there or back again or commuting to the big smoke from the sprawling burbs and back again. Why put up with someone else's idea of talk-back dribble when you can listen to thought provoking ideas discussed by knowledgeable people on programs such as the Health Report or By Design or the Book Show .

Do this:- Download the podcast then copy it to your USB key.
Call in to the local Jaycar shop and get one of those USB Key FM radio transmitters that plug into a car cigarette lighter socket.
Ask the service staff to cut open the packet then take it out to your vehicle.
Plug the USB key into the FM radio transmitter and tune in, drop out and get that warm fuzzy glow.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Let me know your thoughts;
How will the Communications revolution change the way your children relate to you compared to the way you relate to your own parents?